The Minnesota Veterinary Medical Reserve Corps (MNVMRC) was established in 2004 to prepare for animal disease emergencies. As a primary organization that responds to animals in disasters in Minnesota and neighboring states, it is an all-hazards and all emergencies volunteer responder program.

The MNVMRC collaborates with Minnesota agencies responsible for disaster response such as the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Minnesota Board of Animal Health, and the Minnesota Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. The MNVMRC could be called upon to respond anywhere in the State of Minnesota by one of many state or local government agencies in the event of an emergency or asked to participate in the planning and/or training for various animal emergencies. Examples of possible missions include: public education and awareness, disease outbreaks, radiological monitoring and decontamination of animals and responding to natural disasters in support of animals. Our group may be asked to respond to natural disasters such as floods, fires, tornadoes and blizzards or other incidents such as radiological contamination or chemical spills. Our members could be called upon to assist with animal care and treatment, evacuation, vaccination, specimen collection, decontamination, euthanasia, necropsy or collecting epidemiological information.